Saturday, 13 June 2015

It has taken us a while to get here but Beth is now on Stage three of the Gaps diet Intro.  As well as broth and soup and casseroles (aren’t they really the same thing with extra ingredients and different levels of liquidity), yoghurt and honey she can have avocado, pancakes and eggs scrambled in Ghee.
Her appetite has really picked up and this is barely enough for her to eat so we will hopefully whizz through this onto stage four.  
Stage four adds roasted and grilled meat but for some reason not fried or barbecued, cold pressed olive oil and pressed juices which I am really looking forward to.  I could have them any time but fitting them in when I don’t have to doesn’t happen at the moment.   Also almond bread starting with a tiny bit.  That sounds a lot more substantial but a even more hard work but the diet is working beautifully, the hollow eyes and pale complexion and lack of energy have been transformed to pink cheeks and bounciness.

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