Sunday, 30 August 2009

Home Education Blog Carnival, call for posts.

Home education – why and how? Call for posts

By Jax Blunt

In the past I've read some really inspiring posts on various ppl's blogs on the why and how of how they came to home education and how it works for them as a family.

I'd love to read some more of those posts, either updates from ppl who've written them before, or a first think about it from ppl just thinking about it now, particularly inspired perhaps by other stories, especially those that have come to light during the battles against the Badman review. For me I'll do an update on how it particularly suits us at this point and what we've learnt from it along the way, and I'll dig out the old posts and cross link them.
I'd also love to link to other ppl's posts on the topic, so please feel free to leave links in comments on my blog : that I can gather them together in a carnival style post in a few days time. Send the links to me by Tues evening and I'll publish a roundup on Weds?
Looking forward to reading all about you all.
If you all put the words home education in your blogpost title and in any tag fields you've got, that will help them to be more findable via search engines. This is the time of year when some ppl may be having second thoughts about a new school year, so a great time to get some extra publicity and information out there to the rest of the world too.
There is now a twitter account specifically for this here