Saturday 24 October 2009

My Birthday

I am now at least 20 years older than I feel and approaching one of those ages that we all feel we will never be.  It was a really nice day though given the ambulatory constraints. 
I got a Wii fit balance board and it is a good job I couldn't use it as it was busy all day just keeping up with the kids.

My Birthday

Who impatiently awaited their turn.

My Birthday

My Birthday

As you can see the day was a bit exhausting for the only resident functioning adult.

An alternative view of the kids.
My kids

Beth gave me a chimnea, a present that is also for Bruce who's birthday is in December, and something we have wanted for some time.


Then a pedicure for me, a real luxury and necessary for the mental health of the hospital staff who will be assessing my progress very shortly.

My Birthday

These patterns intrigued us and no one was quite sure how to explain them, something for google in the future.

My Birthday

My birthday tea, which arrived after a few squabbles in the kitchen were resolved, was delicious. Well done Will for a marvelous fist mega cook, this is the child who swore he was never going to cook a few months ago. And thanks Jo, Jamie, Nick and Beth for kitchen help and support.

celebration dinner

Then for the cake, something we would usually make, but under the circumstances we decided that life is too short.

My Birthday

Blowing out the candles
All in all a lovely day.


  1. looks great, glad it was good for you despite current difficulties!

  2. thanks Jax, it was really nice and extra lucky that Will's reading week coincided so that he could be home for it. Had not seen him for six weeks.

  3. Lovely to see them all around you and creating their miis on your birthday present. My dd is away at university and her Mii keeps us company when she's not there :-D

    I'm not quite sure what you have done, except I've seen a few photos of you looking pretty prostrate. My DH had a bad running accident. He was told he'd have been better off if his bone had broken as he had terrible tissue damage as a result. The prognosis that he'd not run again. Wii fit was fab and he recouped remarkably fast. His physio said the wii fit was just the thing (balance board games). He runs again and is back to full strength. When you can get on it it is a great way of rehabilitating. I wish you luck, and lots of it.

    Oh, and of course ... a happy birthday!

  4. Hi Sally, what a lot of blogs you have, lol, going to have a good look at them. I broke both my legs in August, one at the knee and one at the ankle. Have been having fun with the Wii and walking again although not with any elegance or speed. Glad to hear your husband has recovered so well.

    We keep in touch with my ds at uni though skype, we can have it on and both be on the computer but chat when something occurs. It is very comforting.
